María del Carmen Santiago Betancourt

Maria del Carmen's picture

Hi! I am a full-stack web developer based in Madrid, Spain. I consider myself a proactive person that loves to solve problems and learn everyday.

"To teach is to learn twice", which is why I've been dedicating part of my free time to writing articles and tutorials for the DEV community. Stay on this page to view some of my projects, or you can just take a look at my CV.

Here is a sneak peak at some of my Github projects.

Not only do I include a description and elaborate on the technologies used, but you can access a live demo and the source code for each project.

Weather App

The original project started with a webpage that used two APIs to obtain information about the weather. As I advanced, I decided to expand the project by adding other functionalities like changing the image logo to an image that reflects the current weather conditions, a dark-mode button and designing with tailwindCSS.

Technologies used: NodeJS, HandleBars, TailwindCSS, Heroku, and the WeatherStack and MapBox APIs.

Battle Spaceships

For this project I worked in a two-member team. This space invaders-like game won us a 24hr Hackathon Game Challenge.

Technologies used: Phaser3 and CSS.

EarnEat Dashboard

Fully responsive employee dashboard made for ApetEat. I worked with a team of three where everyone shared both front-end and back-end tasks, but I was in charge of ensuring that everything went well on the front-end.

Technologies used: MySQL, NodeJS, ReactJS, SemanticUI, ExpressJS, PassportJS, among others.

Random Quote Generator

This page shows quotes from The Simpsons (with their own image) at random. The information is obtained from an API by clicking on a button.

Technologies used: Axios, ReactJS, CSS and API.


Certificates obtained during my web development carrer.

  • Full Stack Bootcamp- 745hrs

    Wild Code School certificate

    During this course the students acquired the following skills: Unix, Unix Terminal, Git / Github, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, Databases (SQL, MySQL), Rest API, JWT, JavaScript ES6+, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, Agile Methodologies (Scrum, Sprint Planning, User Stories).

  • Responsive Web Design- 300hrs

    responsive freeCodeCamp certificate
  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures- 300hrs

    javascript freeCodeCamp certificate


This is what my teammates and mentors have said about me on LinkedIn.

Mari Carmen has been a star student at Wild Code School, she enjoys creating beautiful interfaces with React, JavaScript, HTML and CSS and is not shy to work on back-end APIs with Node.js and MySQL, she's keen on learning new technologies that she is not already familiar with. Always calm and relaxed, with a smile on her face.

I was impressed with her pro-active approach and enjoyed seeing her develop her potential with us. I can't wait to see what amazing things she will make once she is in the workplace.

-Esteban (Steven) De Salas

JavaScript Full-Stack Developer

Compartimos equipo en el último proyecto del Bootcamp, y ha sido una magnífica compañera. Es absolutamente resolutiva y no se rinde hasta que encuentra la solución a los problemas. Gran capacidad de concentración y aprendizaje, y muy cuidadosa en su relación con el cliente. Lista, muy buena con Javascript y React.

- Eva Martín Hernández

Junior JavaScript Full-Stack Developer

María del Carmen siempre nos ha tendido su mano para solucionar cualquier pequeño inconveniente que hayamos tenido en el código. Es resolutiva y atenta a las explicaciones, asimilando muy bien los conceptos. Trabajé con ella en un hackaton y hace que el trabajo en equipo sea aún más sencillo y con una muy buena comunicación. La recomiendo por completo.

-Raquel Quispe Rodríguez

Full-Stack Web Developer. Media Graduate with a passion for code.

Maricarmen ha sido una compañera excelente, desde el primer día que la conocí demonstaba su pasión por el sector y transmitía mucha confianza como persona. ¡Sin duda la recomiendo como una compañera muy trabajadora y una buena lider del equipo!

-Alena Nikolaeva

Front-end Developer

Maricarmen ha estado entre las mejores alumnas de la promoción. Aprende extremadamente rápido y se desenvuelve sin miedo tanto en la parte técnica como en la gestión con cliente. Es, además, una persona muy alegre y ha sido pieza clave en el equipo humano.

-Antonio Esquembre

Freelance Data Visualization, Web Scraping and WebGL Developer

Contact Me

  • Location

    Madrid, Spain 28012

  • Email

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